A Methuen MA REALTORS Guide to Methuen MA Real Estate

Methuen MAMethuen MA Realtor, Kevin Vitali of EXIT Group One Real Estate has provided the following information on Methuen Real Estate  If you have any questions regarding Methuen MA Real Estate or the community please feel free to contact me at any time.

About Methuen MA 01844

Methuen Massachusetts is located in Essex County.  It is located 27 mile north of Boston and is intersected by Route 495, 28, 213, 110.  Methuen is bordered by  Dracut to the west. Pelham NH and Salem NH to the north, Haverhill to the northeast; North Andover on the southeast; and Lawrence and Andover on the south.

Methuen Massachusetts was first settled in 1624 and was originally part of Haverhill.  In 1724 in was incorporated as Methuen.  In the early 19th century Methuen was a large part of the industrial revolution and by the mid to late 19th century it was a thriving Manufacturing community.  Mills that produced hats. shoes and textiles sprouted up all over the Spicket River.  You will still see remnants of the old mill buildings along the river.

When talking about Methuen, there are three founding families who shaped the community.  There are still remnants and landmarks all over Methuen of the three families, the Nevins, the Tenneys and the Searles.  Today Methuen is primarily a suburban community with a variety of neighborhoods from the very late 19th centeruy of the Historic districts to much newer developments of East and West Methuen.

Methuen’s largest employers are Holy Family Hospital and 3m Touch Systems.

Methuen MA Real Estate and Homes for Sale

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Methuen MA Real Estate Statistics

The median price for single family homes in Methuen MA is currently $269,900.  In the past year the range of single family homes has been from $80,000 to $590,00.

The median price for Methuen MA condominiums is $249,900.  The price range for condominiums in Methuen the past year has ranged from $62,500 to $582,000.

The median price for Methuen MA multi family homes is $282,000.  The price range for multi family homes in Methuen in the past year ranged from $174,000 to $665,000

Methuen is a suburban community offering a variety of housing in starting  around $100,000.  The inventory of home will range from antique colonials and capes to some more modern inventory of split levels capes.  Methuen also has quite a few multi family homes and is a popular choice for homeowner seeking a multi family opportunity.

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Demographics for Methuen Massachusetts

Total population47,335
Population Density2100 per sq mile
Percent Change Since 2000+7.9%
Median Age39.3
White Collar79.65%
Blue Collar20.35%
Total Households18,038
Family Households12,267
Non-Family Households5773
Households with Children6998
Households without Children11,041
Average people per Household2.67
No High School1,678
Some High School2,063
Some College5,997
Associate Degree3,119
Bachelors Degree6,128
Graduate Degree3,594

Median Household income for Methuen Massachusetts is approx. $65,877 which is around the states median income of $64,000

Methuen MA Schools

Methuen Massachusetts school system is made up of .  It is not a high ranking school as far as testing goes.  But like anything it is what you make of it.  Methuen offers affordable housing with in commuting distance to Boston.  See where Methuen ranks on the Boston Magazines 2013 School Ranking Report.

 Methuen Elementary Schools                             
Comprehensive Grammar K-8
100 Howe Street
Methuen MA 01844
Marsh Grammar  preK-8
309 Pelham Street
Methuen MA 01844
Tenney Grammar preK-8
75 Pleasant Street
Methuen MA 01844
Timony Grammar preK-8
45 Pleasant View Street
Methuen MA 01844
Methuen High School
1 Ranger Road
Methuen MA 01844

Check out Methuen MA Schools information in greater detail, including stats and reviews at GreatSchools.org

Walk Score for Methuen MA

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Photos Taken Around Methuen MA

Are you searching for a Methuen MA REALTOR? Kevin Vitali can help you with all of your real estate needs in Methuen Massachusetts.  I have been a full time Methuen MA real estate agent servicing Methuen, Essex County and Northern Middlesex County for over 12 years.

What can Kevin Vitali your Methuen MA REALTOR do for you?

Buying a house in Methuen Massachusetts

When buying a home in Methuen Massachusetts, Kevin can act as a buyer’s agent. A buyer’s agent represents you in the transaction. Your interest is protected when purchasing a home.

A buyer’s agent can tailor their services to meet your needs. I find that some potential home buyers need help even to make the decision to buy and understanding the home buying process, where other buyers are comfortable with their decision to buy and want to work with a Methuen MA REALTOR who has knowledge of the local real estate market and community.

Of course every buyer can benefit from a buyer’s agent’s help with preparing and negotiating an offer, coordinating the home inspections, mortgage financing, and coordinating the closing.

Selling a house in Methuen Massachusetts

Selling your Methuen home is a big commitment. Kevin, your Methuen real estate agent, can help maximize the sale of your home.   Of course, most home sellers want to sell their home for the most amount of money in the shortest period with the least amount of hassle.

When you work with me to sell your Methuen MA home I will present you with what it take to sell your home, pricing of your home, current market conditions, an understanding of how selling your home works and a customize marketing plan to sell your Methuen home.

Once your house is listed I will provide ongoing marketing, coordinate showings and update you with feedback and marketing conditions. Hopefully, we will sell your home fast and then I can work with you to negotiate offers, coordinate any inspections and bring you to a successful close.

Methuen Short Sales

We still are in a market where people are upside on their home. If you find yourself in the predicament of owing more money than your house is worth and are forced to sell I can help you successfully complete a Methuen MA short sale.

Real Estate and Homes for Sale near Methuen MA

Dracut MA Real Estate
Lowell MA Real Estate
Tewksbury MA Real Estate

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