Top 3 Reasons to De-clutter Your Home for Sale

The time has come to sell your home.  You always hear de-clutter your home.  Did you ever wonder why it is so important to de-clutter your home and why agents are so adamant about getting you to de-clutter?

If there is nothing else you do to prepare your home to sell, de-cluttering is one of the best steps you can take to aid in the sale of your home.

3 Reasons To Declutter Your Home When Selling


Don’t Let the Buyers Thinking Get Cluttered with Your Clutter

You don’t want potential home buyers to focus on your belongings or your lack of organization.  A home that is mildly cluttered can distract a home buyer from looking at your home.

Your collection of snow babies need to go, clean up the desk in your kitchen with the stack of papers you have been waiting to get to, get rid of all those magazines and books that sit around, organize your cabinets and closets, etc…

A heavily cluttered home will just completely deter home buyers.  They are overwhelmed.  A new home home means a fresh start for home buyers and they want to see they can be organized and live a clutter free life.

Show off The Space Your Home Has to Offer

When you are preparing your home for sale, you are actually merchandising your home.  What is the definition of merchandising?  To plan for and promote the sales of a product by presenting its features and benefits.

By de-cluttering your home you are allowing the home buyers to picture themselves in your space, without your stuff!  You don’t want your house vacant.  You want to show the room in its intended use and best layout. Often we have more furniture, knick-knacks and personal belongings than we need to sell a home.

And that is alright.  Remember how you live in a home is going to be different than how you want your home to present to potential home buyers.

Less is more when showing your home.  Let the buyers see the space and how best they can  use it for their lifestyle.  Once they start seeing themselves in your home they are taking ownership in their mind.  That is a good thing.

Your Moving Anyway Start the Process Early

Much of what you are not using can already packed and ready to go. Your going to move it or get rid of it anyways.  Start now.

It is also time to purge the things in your life you don’t need.

De-cluttering your home before you sell will save you time and aggravation, rather than running around like crazy at the last minute when your home does actually sell and it becomes time to move.

Final Thoughts

Ok, de-cluttering is a task that is not fun to carry out, but it can have a huge impact on how buyers perceive your home!  I recently wrote an article on de-personalizing your home and it starts with a quote “take the home out of your house”…. so along with neutralizing the decor, de-cluttering is another step in taking the home out of your house.

De-cluttering will help you secure good offers on your home and help sell your home quicker. It can certainly have big returns!

Other Real Estate Resources:


This article, Top 3 Reasons to De-clutter Your Home for Sale, is written by Kevin Vitali of EXIT Group One Real Estate.  I have 13 years of experience preparing and listing homes for sale.  One of my services is helping you put a plan in place to prepare your home for sale.   if you are thinking of selling your home give me a call at 978-360-0422 or email me at

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