Re-think Taking Your Home Off the Market for the Holidays

Conventional wisdom in the past has been to take your house of the market for the holidays.  It’s time to re-think taking your home off the market for the holidays,  Over the past couple of years that thinking has been shifting.  With home buyers having access to information at their fingertips that thinking is changing.   Buyers are afraid of missing good homes during the holidays so they keep their eyes open.  I also have been in this business for 12 years and the buyers that are out looking at this time of year are very serious buyers.

There will be less inventory on the market and your home has the ability to stand out amongst the best buyers.

If you are marketing your home during the holidays my suggestions is to keep it on!  Check out this article from AOL on keeping your home on the market during the holidays that I posted on my Facebook Page, Massachusetts Real Estate.