Condos in Haverhill MA can cover a wide range of ages and styles. Haverhill’s condominium inventory will include converted multi families, large condominium complexes and newer townhouses. There is something for everyone when looking at condos for sale in Haverhill MA.
The price range for a condo in Haverhill MA will range from the mid to high $100k’s to about $450,000+. The median condominium price in Haverhill is currently $325,900.
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Why Buy A Condominium In Haverhill?
Haverhill has an abundance of condominiums compared to surrounding communities. Another unique aspect of many of Haverhill MA condominiums is there are many duplexes that offer no condominium fee and offer exclusive use of a backyard.
Not only are the condos available in Haverhill affordable, Haverhill as a city has a lot to offer. You can jump on 495 quickly and access routes 93 and 95 within 15 minutes. The city is also close to tax-free shopping in Salem NH as well as Plaistow.
Downtown Haverhill is an old revitalized mill city and is now a destination for local restaurants and shopping. Buy a condo in Haverhill today.
Living in a Haverhill MA provides it’s residence a diverse, affordable town to live in. Haverhill is a small renaissance city of about 65,000. The downtown has a number of shops and restaurants as well as being conveniently located.
Haverhill MA Single Family Homes
Haverhill Multi Over 55 Communities
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Popular Haverhill MA Condominiums
Haverhill MA Condominiums for Sale is provided by Kevin Vitali, your Haverhill MA Realtor. If you have any questions about Haverhill MA Real Estate call me at 978-360-0422.