Homes for sale in Essex County Massachusetts Real Estate are added throughout the day (approximately every 15 minutes).  Get the most up-to-date Essex County homes for sale info. Good homes sell fast.

About Essex County Massachusetts Real Estate

Essex County is located in Massachusetts and is the 3rd most populous county in the state.  Essex County is north/ northeast of Boston and has a population of just under 750,000 people. Essex County Real Estate offers a variety of prices and homes to suit any financial needs or personal wants.

Essex County is a popular choice for many home buyers. There are a wide variety of towns that offer good commuting options between Route 495, Route 93 Route 95, and route 1.  Essex County offers great access to the best New England has to offer from beaches to the mountains.

Essex County Single-Family Homes for SaleEssex County Condominiums for Sale
Essex County Multi-Family Homes for SaleEssex County Multi-FaEssex County Condominiums for Salemily Homes for Sale
Essex County Open HousesEssex County Over 55 for Sale

Essex County Massachusetts Real Estate Statistics

In the past year, Essex County has had 8,837 homes that have sold.  The average market times for sold homes has been 89 days.  Homes have sold between $35,000 to $6,200,000 with a median house price of $325,000.

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