23 First-Time Home Buying Tips That Matter!

Staying competitive for your offers is going to continue through the year. With many home buyers willing to remove inspection contingencies, consider using a pre offer home inspection to remove your inspection contingency and still have your inspection.
Can you afford a mortgage but might not have enough funds saved for down payment and closing costs? Learn how to access down payment assistance in Massachusetts.
Are you entering the real estate marketplace. Learn about how an agent can work with you during a home sale or purchase. Understanding real estate agecny can be critical to the process.
Great! You have an accepted offer. Now what? Here are 13 steps to get you to the closing table on time. If any of these steps are skipped, it could delay your closing.
Technology has made the use of surveilance and hidden cameras very easy. What do homebuyers and sellers need to know about hidden cameras during a house sale?
Many purchase contracts talk about delivering a home in broom clean condition. Legally, it is a very ambiguous term, what does it mean? Sellers learn what it means to you and home buyers find out what you should expect when you take delivery of your new home.
Buying a home is expensive. As a home buyer you want to save money any way you can. Learn how to save money on closing costs.
An appraisal gap is when a home appraisers for less than the purchase price of a home. In a hot seller's market, we are seeing this happen on many homes. Home buyers are willing to provide appraisal gap coverage to the home seller and waive their appraisal contingency.